Ben Who (Part Two)

Form the Habit of Selling Yourself On What You Are Selling
Its really believing in your product or service. Its understanding what it can really do for you clients. By developing this level of empathy, it fosters the respect for the buyer’s good sense.

Form the Habit of Continuous Study
Learning more can help you close the business that use to get away. Learning helps you understand the constantly changing landscape of laws and economics. He keeps his mind open to new ideas and demonstrates a willingness to learn from others. He is teachable and borrows from others in his industry. This fosters a willingness to learn from others.

Form the Habit of Increasing Your Goals
There is no limit to what a salesman can earn. Ben’s career proved that. The habit of increasing his goals allowed him make ten times the commission of his peers. This fosters the opportunity for financial independence.

Form the Habit of Seeking Perfection
If you aim for perfection and fall short of your aim, you won’t fall too far from the top. The habit of checking and double checking fosters the habit of quality work.

Form the Habit of Setting Achievable Deadlines
Ben did just that. Three applications a week. Simple. A track to run on. He takes his big goals and breaks them down into smaller goals. This habit of achievable deadlines fosters efficient hard work and the satisfaction of a challenge met.

Here are some of Ben’s favorite Power Phrases:

Nothing builds a fire under me more than someone telling me I can’t do something. I don’t believe it and am going to prove you wrong.

Strange as it may seem, our biggest problem is to sell ourselves. Most men exchange their lifetime for much too little. Believe in what you do.

Anything your mind can conceive, that you’ll believe, you can achieve.

Prospecting is basically recognizing a problem and making sure the problem has a price tag.

Prospecting is people with an idea.

Use logic first, emotion second. There is nothing like a disturbing question to build a fire under a man.

You know, when you buy a pair of pants, you don’t just buy any pair. You try them on. You make sure they fit.

It takes a smart businessman to make money. It takes a genius to keep it.

My week has seven days.

Most men don’t do anything wrong. They don’t do anything. That’s what’s wrong.

Problems are price tags. Someone always pays.

Like a tailor with a bolt of cloth, you must make it fit.

Spend more time in preparation than in presentation.

Don’t be afraid of BIG dreams. They have a way of coming true.

Be sold yourself.

In one word, it’s study. You have to study.

Speak slowly, clearly, softly, definitely, and—be sure.

When you are tired, get excited about something.

If you are in Sales, consider printing this out. Read it again. Highlight and underline the parts that really stood out for you. If you manage sales people, make copies for your team. Go over it. Read it aloud. Discuss it.


What can you borrow?

What are the three things I learned or am Taking Away?

What are the actions I intend to take tomorrow?

Better yet, Google Ben Feldman and see what comes up. You might even stumble on a copy of Andrew Thomson’s book…if you are lucky. He changed my life and business.

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